AIDL backends

An AIDL backend is a target for stub code generation. When using AIDL files, you always use them in a particular language with a specific runtime. Depending on the context, you should use different AIDL backends.

In the following table, stability of the API surface refers to the ability to compile code against this API surface in a way that the code can be delivered independently from the system.img binary.

AIDL has the following backends:

Backend Language API surface Build systems
Java Java SDK/SystemApi (stable*) all
NDK C++ libbinder_ndk (stable*) aidl_interface
CPP C++ libbinder (unstable) all
Rust Rust libbinder_rs (stable*) aidl_interface
  • These API surfaces are stable, but many of the APIs, such as those for service management, are reserved for internal platform use and aren't available to apps. For more information on how to use AIDL in apps, see developer documentation.
  • The Rust backend was introduced in Android 12; the NDK backend has been available as of Android 10.
  • The Rust crate is built on top of libbinder_ndk, which allows it to be stable and portable. APEXes use the binder crate the same way as does anyone else on the system side. The Rust portion is bundled into an APEX and shipped inside it. It depends on the on the system partition.

Build systems

Depending on the backend, there are two ways to compile AIDL into stub code. For more details on the build systems, see the Soong Module Reference.

Core build system

In any cc_ or java_ Android.bp module (or in their equivalents), .aidl files can be specified as source files. In this case, the Java/CPP backends of AIDL are used (not the NDK backend), and the classes to use the corresponding AIDL files are added to the module automatically. Options such as local_include_dirs, which tells the build system the root path to AIDL files in that module can be specified in these modules under an aidl: group. Note that the Rust backend is only for use with Rust. rust_ modules are handled differently in that AIDL files aren’t specified as source files. Instead, the aidl_interface module produces a rustlib called <aidl_interface name>-rust which can be linked against. For more details, see the Rust AIDL example.


Types used with this build system must be structured. In order to be structured, parcelables must contain fields directly and not be declarations of types defined directly in target languages. For how structured AIDL fits in with stable AIDL, see Structured versus stable AIDL.


You can consider the aidl compiler as a reference implementation for types. When you create an interface, invoke aidl --lang=<backend> ... to see the resulting interface file. When you use the aidl_interface module, you can view the output in out/soong/.intermediates/<path to module>/.

Java/AIDL Type C++ Type NDK Type Rust Type
boolean bool bool bool
byte int8_t int8_t i8
char char16_t char16_t u16
int int32_t int32_t i32
long int64_t int64_t i64
float float float f32
double double double f64
String android::String16 std::string String
android.os.Parcelable android::Parcelable N/A N/A
IBinder android::IBinder ndk::SpAIBinder binder::SpIBinder
T[] std::vector<T> std::vector<T> In: &[T]
Out: Vec<T>
byte[] std::vector<uint8_t> std::vector<int8_t>1 In: &[u8]
Out: Vec<u8>
List<T> std::vector<T>2 std::vector<T>3 In: &[T]4
Out: Vec<T>
FileDescriptor android::base::unique_fd N/A binder::parcel::ParcelFileDescriptor
ParcelFileDescriptor android::os::ParcelFileDescriptor ndk::ScopedFileDescriptor binder::parcel::ParcelFileDescriptor
interface type (T) android::sp<T> std::shared_ptr<T>7 binder::Strong
parcelable type (T) T T T
union type (T)5 T T T
T[N] 6 std::array<T, N> std::array<T, N> [T; N]

1. In Android 12 or higher, byte arrays use uint8_t instead of int8_t for compatibility reasons.

2. The C++ backend supports List<T> where T is one of String, IBinder, ParcelFileDescriptor or parcelable. In Android 13 or higher, T can be any non-primitive type (including interface types) except arrays. AOSP recommends that you use array types like T[], since they work in all backends.

3. The NDK backend supports List<T> where T is one of String, ParcelFileDescriptor or parcelable. In Android 13 or higher, T can be any non-primitive type except arrays.

4. Types are passed differently for Rust code depending on whether they are input (an argument), or an output (a returned value).

5. Union types are supported in Android 12 and higher.

6. In Android 13 or higher, fixed-size arrays are supported. Fixed-size arrays can have multiple dimensions (e.g. int[3][4]). In the Java backend, fixed-size arrays are represented as array types.

7. To instantiate a binder SharedRefBase object, use SharedRefBase::make\<My\>(... args ...). This function creates a std::shared_ptr\<T\> object which is also managed internally, in case the binder is owned by another process. Creating the object other ways causes double-ownership.

Directionality (in/out/inout)

When specifying the types of the arguments to functions, you can specify them as in, out, or inout. This controls in which direction information is passed for an IPC call. in is the default direction, and it indicates data is passed from the caller to the callee. out means that data is passed from the callee to the caller. inout is the combination of both of these. However, the Android team recommends that you avoid using the argument specifier inout. If you use inout with a versioned interface and an older callee, the additional fields that are present only in the caller get reset to their default values. With respect to Rust, a normal inout type receives &mut Vec<T>, and a list inout type receives &mut Vec<T>.

interface IRepeatExamples {
    MyParcelable RepeatParcelable(MyParcelable token); // implicitly 'in'
    MyParcelable RepeatParcelableWithIn(in MyParcelable token);
    void RepeatParcelableWithInAndOut(in MyParcelable param, out MyParcelable result);
    void RepeatParcelableWithInOut(inout MyParcelable param);


With the CPP backend you can choose whether strings are utf-8 or utf-16. Declare strings as @utf8InCpp String in AIDL to automatically convert them to utf-8. The NDK and Rust backends always uses utf-8 strings. For more information about the utf8InCpp annotation, see Annotations in AIDL.


You can annotate types that can be null with @nullable. For more information about the nullable annotation, see Annotations in AIDL.

Custom parcelables

A custom parcelable is a parcelable that's implemented manually in a target backend. Use custom parcelables only when you are trying to add support to other languages for an existing custom parcelable which can't be changed.

In order to declare a custom parcelable so that AIDL knows about it, the AIDL parcelable declaration looks like this:

    package my.pack.age;
    parcelable Foo;

By default, this declares a Java parcelable where my.pack.age.Foo is a Java class implementing the Parcelable interface.

For a declaration of a custom CPP backend parcelable in AIDL, use cpp_header:

    package my.pack.age;
    parcelable Foo cpp_header "my/pack/age/Foo.h";

The C++ implementation in my/pack/age/Foo.h looks like this:

    #include <binder/Parcelable.h>

    class MyCustomParcelable : public android::Parcelable {
        status_t writeToParcel(Parcel* parcel) const override;
        status_t readFromParcel(const Parcel* parcel) override;

        std::string toString() const;
        friend bool operator==(const MyCustomParcelable& lhs, const MyCustomParcelable& rhs);
        friend bool operator!=(const MyCustomParcelable& lhs, const MyCustomParcelable& rhs);

For a declaration of a custom NDK parcelable in AIDL, use ndk_header:

    package my.pack.age;
    parcelable Foo ndk_header "android/pack/age/Foo.h";

The NDK implementation in android/pack/age/Foo.h looks like this:

    #include <android/binder_parcel.h>

    class MyCustomParcelable {

        binder_status_t writeToParcel(AParcel* _Nonnull parcel) const;
        binder_status_t readFromParcel(const AParcel* _Nonnull parcel);

        std::string toString() const;

        friend bool operator==(const MyCustomParcelable& lhs, const MyCustomParcelable& rhs);
        friend bool operator!=(const MyCustomParcelable& lhs, const MyCustomParcelable& rhs);

In Android 15, for declaration of a custom Rust parcelable in AIDL, use rust_type:

package my.pack.age;
@RustOnlyStableParcelable parcelable Foo rust_type "rust_crate::Foo";

The Rust implementation in rust_crate/src/ looks like this:

use binder::{
    binder_impl::{BorrowedParcel, UnstructuredParcelable},
    impl_deserialize_for_unstructured_parcelable, impl_serialize_for_unstructured_parcelable,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Foo {
    pub bar: String,

impl UnstructuredParcelable for Foo {
    fn write_to_parcel(&self, parcel: &mut BorrowedParcel) -> Result<(), StatusCode> {

    fn from_parcel(parcel: &BorrowedParcel) -> Result<Self, StatusCode> {
        let bar =;
        Ok(Self { bar })


Then you can use this parcelable as a type in AIDL files, but it won't be generated by AIDL. Provide < and == operators for CPP/NDK backend custom parcelables to use them in union.

Default values

Structured parcelables can declare per-field default values for primitives, Strings, and arrays of these types.

    parcelable Foo {
      int numField = 42;
      String stringField = "string value";
      char charValue = 'a';

In the Java backend when default values are missing, fields are initialized as zero values for primitive types and null for non-primitive types.

In other backends, fields are initialized with default initialized values when default values are not defined. For example, in the C++ backend, String fields are initialized as an empty string and List<T> fields are initialized as an empty vector<T>. @nullable fields are initialized as null-value fields.

Error handling

The Android OS provides built-in error types for services to use when reporting errors. These are used by binder and can be used by any services implementing a binder interface. Their use is well-documented in the AIDL definition and they don't require any user-defined status or return type.

Output parameters with errors

When an AIDL function reports an error, the function may not initialize or modify output parameters. Specifically, output parameters may be modified if the error occurs during unparceling as opposed to happening during the processing of the transaction itself. In general, when getting an error from an AIDL function, all inout and out parameters as well as the return value (which acts like an out parameter in some backends) should be considered to be in an indefinite state.

Which error values to use

Many of the built-in error values can be used in any AIDL interfaces, but some are treated in a special way. For example, EX_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION and EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT are OK to use when they describe the error condition, but EX_TRANSACTION_FAILED must not be used because it is treated special by the underlying infrastructure. Check the backend specific definitions for more information on these built-in values.

If the AIDL interface requires additional error values that aren't covered by the built-in error types, then they may use the special service-specific built-in error that allows the inclusion of a service-specific error value that's defined by the user. These service-specific errors are typically defined in the AIDL interface as a const int or int-backed enum and aren't parsed by binder.

In Java, errors map to exceptions, such as android.os.RemoteException. For service-specific exceptions, Java uses android.os.ServiceSpecificException along with the user-defined error.

Native code in Android doesn't use exceptions. The CPP backend uses android::binder::Status. The NDK backend uses ndk::ScopedAStatus. Every method generated by AIDL returns one of these, representing the status of the method. The Rust backend uses the same exception code values as the NDK, but converts them into native Rust errors (StatusCode, ExceptionCode) before delivering them to the user. For service-specific errors, the returned Status or ScopedAStatus uses EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC along with the user-defined error.

The built-in error types can be found in the following files:

Backend Definition
Java android/os/
CPP binder/Status.h
NDK android/binder_status.h
Rust android/binder_status.h

Use various backends

These instructions are specific to Android platform code. These examples use a defined type, my.package.IFoo. For instructions on how to use the Rust backend, see the Rust AIDL example on the Android Rust Patterns page.

Import types

Whether the defined type is an interface, parcelable, or union, you can import it in Java:

import my.package.IFoo;

Or in the CPP backend:

#include <my/package/IFoo.h>

Or in the NDK backend (notice the extra aidl namespace):

#include <aidl/my/package/IFoo.h>

Or in the Rust backend:

use my_package::aidl::my::package::IFoo;

Although you can import a nested type in Java, in the CPP/NDK backends you must include the header for its root type. For example, when importing a nested type Bar defined in my/package/IFoo.aidl (IFoo is the root type of the file) you must include <my/package/IFoo.h> for the CPP backend (or <aidl/my/package/IFoo.h> for the NDK backend).

Implement services

To implement a service, you must inherit from the native stub class. This class reads commands from the binder driver and executes the methods that you implement. Imagine that you have an AIDL file like this:

    package my.package;
    interface IFoo {
        int doFoo();

In Java, you must extend from this class:

    import my.package.IFoo;
    public class MyFoo extends IFoo.Stub {
        int doFoo() { ... }

In the CPP backend:

    #include <my/package/BnFoo.h>
    class MyFoo : public my::package::BnFoo {
        android::binder::Status doFoo(int32_t* out) override;

In the NDK backend (notice the extra aidl namespace):

    #include <aidl/my/package/BnFoo.h>
    class MyFoo : public aidl::my::package::BnFoo {
        ndk::ScopedAStatus doFoo(int32_t* out) override;

In the Rust backend:

    use aidl_interface_name::aidl::my::package::IFoo::{BnFoo, IFoo};
    use binder;

    /// This struct is defined to implement IRemoteService AIDL interface.
    pub struct MyFoo;

    impl Interface for MyFoo {}

    impl IFoo for MyFoo {
        fn doFoo(&self) -> binder::Result<()> {

Or with async Rust:

    use aidl_interface_name::aidl::my::package::IFoo::{BnFoo, IFooAsyncServer};
    use binder;

    /// This struct is defined to implement IRemoteService AIDL interface.
    pub struct MyFoo;

    impl Interface for MyFoo {}

    impl IFooAsyncServer for MyFoo {
        async fn doFoo(&self) -> binder::Result<()> {

Register and get services

Services in platform Android are usually registered with the servicemanager process. In addition to the APIs below, some APIs check the service (meaning they return immediately if the service isn't available). Check the corresponding servicemanager interface for exact details. These operations can only be done when compiling against platform Android.

In Java:

    import android.os.ServiceManager;
    // registering
    ServiceManager.addService("service-name", myService);
    // return if service is started now
    myService = IFoo.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.checkService("service-name"));
    // waiting until service comes up (new in Android 11)
    myService = IFoo.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.waitForService("service-name"));
    // waiting for declared (VINTF) service to come up (new in Android 11)
    myService = IFoo.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.waitForDeclaredService("service-name"));

In the CPP backend:

    #include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
    // registering
    defaultServiceManager()->addService(String16("service-name"), myService);
    // return if service is started now
    status_t err = checkService<IFoo>(String16("service-name"), &myService);
    // waiting until service comes up (new in Android 11)
    myService = waitForService<IFoo>(String16("service-name"));
    // waiting for declared (VINTF) service to come up (new in Android 11)
    myService = waitForDeclaredService<IFoo>(String16("service-name"));

In the NDK backend (notice the extra aidl namespace):

    #include <android/binder_manager.h>
    // registering
    binder_exception_t err = AServiceManager_addService(myService->asBinder().get(), "service-name");
    // return if service is started now
    myService = IFoo::fromBinder(ndk::SpAIBinder(AServiceManager_checkService("service-name")));
    // is a service declared in the VINTF manifest
    // VINTF services have the type in the interface instance name.
    bool isDeclared = AServiceManager_isDeclared("android.hardware.light.ILights/default");
    // wait until a service is available (if isDeclared or you know it's available)
    myService = IFoo::fromBinder(ndk::SpAIBinder(AServiceManager_waitForService("service-name")));

In the Rust backend:

use myfoo::MyFoo;
use binder;
use aidl_interface_name::aidl::my::package::IFoo::BnFoo;

fn main() {
    // [...]
    let my_service = MyFoo;
    let my_service_binder = BnFoo::new_binder(
    binder::add_service("myservice", my_service_binder).expect("Failed to register service?");
    // Does not return - spawn or perform any work you mean to do before this call.

In the async Rust backend, with a single-threaded runtime:

use myfoo::MyFoo;
use binder;
use binder_tokio::TokioRuntime;
use aidl_interface_name::aidl::my::package::IFoo::BnFoo;

#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
async fn main() {
    // [...]
    let my_service = MyFoo;
    let my_service_binder = BnFoo::new_async_binder(

    binder::add_service("myservice", my_service_binder).expect("Failed to register service?");

    // Sleeps forever, but does not join the binder threadpool.
    // Spawned tasks will run on this thread.

One important difference from the other options is that we do not call join_thread_pool when using async Rust and a single-threaded runtime. This is because you need to give Tokio a thread where it can execute spawned tasks. In this example, the main thread will serve that purpose. Any tasks spawned using tokio::spawn will execute on the main thread.

In the async Rust backend, with a multi-threaded runtime:

use myfoo::MyFoo;
use binder;
use binder_tokio::TokioRuntime;
use aidl_interface_name::aidl::my::package::IFoo::BnFoo;

#[tokio::main(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)]
async fn main() {
    // [...]
    let my_service = MyFoo;
    let my_service_binder = BnFoo::new_async_binder(

    binder::add_service("myservice", my_service_binder).expect("Failed to register service?");

    // Sleep forever.
    tokio::task::block_in_place(|| {

With the multi-threaded Tokio runtime, spawned tasks don't execute on the main thread. Therefore, it makes more sense to call join_thread_pool on the main thread so that the main thread is not just idle. You must wrap the call in block_in_place to leave the async context.

You can request to get a notification for when a service hosting a binder dies. This can help to avoid leaking callback proxies or assist in error recovery. Make these calls on binder proxy objects.

  • In Java, use android.os.IBinder::linkToDeath.
  • In the CPP backend, use android::IBinder::linkToDeath.
  • In the NDK backend, use AIBinder_linkToDeath.
  • In the Rust backend, create a DeathRecipient object, then call my_binder.link_to_death(&mut my_death_recipient). Note that because the DeathRecipient owns the callback, you must keep that object alive as long as you want to receive notifications.

Caller information

When receiving a kernel binder call, caller information is available in several APIs. The PID (or Process ID) refers to the Linux process ID of the process which is sending a transaction. The UID (or User ID) refers to the Linux user ID. When receiving a one-way call, the calling PID is 0. When outside of a binder transaction context, these functions return the PID and UID of the current process.

In the Java backend:

    ... = Binder.getCallingPid();
    ... = Binder.getCallingUid();

In the CPP backend:

    ... = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid();
    ... = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid();

In the NDK backend:

    ... = AIBinder_getCallingPid();
    ... = AIBinder_getCallingUid();

In the Rust backend, when implementing the interface, specify the following (instead of allowing it to default):

    ... = ThreadState::get_calling_pid();
    ... = ThreadState::get_calling_uid();

Bug reports and debugging API for services

When bug reports run (for example, with adb bugreport), they collect information from all around the system to aid with debugging various issues. For AIDL services, bug reports use the binary dumpsys on all services registered with the service manager to dump their information into the bug report. You can also use dumpsys on the commandline to get information from a service with dumpsys SERVICE [ARGS]. In the C++ and Java backends, you can control the order in which services get dumped by using additional arguments to addService. You can also use dumpsys --pid SERVICE to get the PID of a service while debugging.

To add custom output to your service, you can override the dump method in your server object like you are implementing any other IPC method defined in an AIDL file. When doing this, you should restrict dumping to the app permission android.permission.DUMP or restrict dumping to specific UIDs.

In the Java backend:

    protected void dump(@NonNull FileDescriptor fd, @NonNull PrintWriter fout,
        @Nullable String[] args) {...}

In the CPP backend:

    status_t dump(int, const android::android::Vector<android::String16>&) override;

In the NDK backend:

    binder_status_t dump(int fd, const char** args, uint32_t numArgs) override;

In the Rust backend, when implementing the interface, specify the following (instead of allowing it to default):

    fn dump(&self, mut file: &File, args: &[&CStr]) -> binder::Result<()>

Dynamically get interface descriptor

The interface descriptor identifies the type of an interface. This is useful when debugging or when you have an unknown binder.

In Java, you can get the interface descriptor with code such as:

    service = /* get ahold of service object */
    ... = service.asBinder().getInterfaceDescriptor();

In the CPP backend:

    service = /* get ahold of service object */
    ... = IInterface::asBinder(service)->getInterfaceDescriptor();

The NDK and Rust backends don't support this capability.

Statically get interface descriptor

Sometimes (such as when registering @VintfStability services), you need to know what the interface descriptor is statically. In Java, you can get the descriptor by adding code such as:

    import my.package.IFoo;

In the CPP backend:

    #include <my/package/BnFoo.h>
    ... my::package::BnFoo::descriptor

In the NDK backend (notice the extra aidl namespace):

    #include <aidl/my/package/BnFoo.h>
    ... aidl::my::package::BnFoo::descriptor

In the Rust backend:


Enum range

In native backends, you can iterate over the possible values an enum can take on. Due to code size considerations, this isn't supported in Java.

For an enum MyEnum defined in AIDL, iteration is provided as follows.

In the CPP backend:


In the NDK backend:


In the Rust backend:


Thread management

Every instance of libbinder in a process maintains one threadpool. For most use cases, this should be exactly one threadpool, shared across all backends. The only exception is when vendor code might load another copy of libbinder to talk to /dev/vndbinder. Since this is on a separate binder node, the threadpool isn't shared.

For the Java backend, the threadpool can only increase in size (since it is already started):

    BinderInternal.setMaxThreads(<new larger value>);

For the CPP backend, the following operations are available:

    // set max threadpool count (default is 15)
    status_t err = ProcessState::self()->setThreadPoolMaxThreadCount(numThreads);
    // create threadpool
    // add current thread to threadpool (adds thread to max thread count)

Similarly, in the NDK backend:

    bool success = ABinderProcess_setThreadPoolMaxThreadCount(numThreads);

In the Rust backend:

    binder::add_service("myservice", my_service_binder).expect("Failed to register service?");

With the async Rust backend, you need two threadpools: binder and Tokio. This means that apps using async Rust need special considerations, especially when it comes to the use of join_thread_pool. See the section on registering services for more information on this.

Reserved names

C++, Java, and Rust reserve some names as keywords or for language-specific use. While AIDL doesn't enforce restrictions based on language rules, using field or type names that matching a reserved name might result in a compilation failure for C++ or Java. For Rust, the field or type is renamed using the "raw identifier" syntax, accessible using the r# prefix.

We recommend that you avoid using reserved names in your AIDL definitions where possible to avoid unergonomic bindings or outright compilation failure.

If you already have reserved names in your AIDL definitions, you can safely rename fields while remaining protocol compatible; you may need to update your code to continue building, but any already built programs will continue to interoperate.

Names to avoid: