Platform-signed shared UID allowlist

Platform-signed apps are apps sharing the same (or compatible) signing certificate with the platform package (android). A platform-signed app can be a system app (located on a system image partition), or a nonsystem app. Platform-signed shared UIDs are shared UIDs (android:sharedUserId) that contain platform-signed apps. Debuggable builds are builds whose android.os.Build.isDebuggable() return true, such as userdebug or eng builds.

Historically, device manufacturers had little control over which platform-signed nonsystem apps could join a platform-signed shared UID. Starting in Android 15, manufacturers can explicitly allow platform-signed nonsystem apps to join platform-signed shared UIDs in the system configuration XML files in the /etc/permissions directory. If a platform-signed nonsystem app isn't added to the allowlist for a platform-signed shared UID, and the app still tries to join the platform-signed shared UID (with android:sharedUserId in its manifest), that app can't be installed on nondebuggable builds.

Add an allowlist

You can list allowlists for apps in a single XML file or in multiple XML files, similar to frameworks/base/data/etc/package-shareduid-allowlist.xml:

This XML defines an allowlist for packages that want to join a particular shared-uid.
If a non-system package that is signed with platform signature, is trying to join a particular
shared-uid, and not in this list, the installation will fail.

- The "package" XML attribute refers to the app's package name.
- The "shareduid" XML attribute refers to the shared uid name.

    <allow-package-shareduid package="android.test.settings" shareduid="android.uid.system" />

Find missing allowlist

To find a missing allowlist entry, try to install your platform-signed nonsystem app on a nondebuggable build and check if it can still be installed. If not, you can inspect device logs for the following format of warning messages:

Non-preload app {PACKAGE_NAME} signed with platform signature and joining shared uid: {SHARED_UID_NAME}