Android 10 introduces User Data Checkpoint (UDC), which
allows Android to roll back to its previous state when an Android over-the-air
(OTA) update fails. With UDC, if an Android OTA update fails, the device can
safely roll back to its previous state. Although
A/B updates solve this problem for early boot, rollback
isn't supported when the user data partition (mounted on /data
) is modified.
UDC enables the device to revert the user data partition even after being modified. The UDC feature accomplishes this with checkpoint capabilities to the file system, an alternative implementation when the file system doesn't support checkpoints, integration with the bootloader A/B mechanism while also supporting non-A/B updates, and support for key version binding and key rollback prevention.
User impact
The UDC feature improves the OTA update experience for users as fewer users lose their data when an OTA update fails. This can reduce the number of support calls from users who run into issues during the update process. However, when an OTA update fails, users may notice the device rebooting multiple times.
How it works
Checkpoint functionality in different file systems
For the F2FS file system, UDC adds the checkpoint functionality to the upstream 4.20 Linux kernel and backports it to all common kernels supported by devices running Android 10.
For other file systems, UDC uses a device mapper virtual device called dm_bow
for checkpoint functionality. dm_bow
sits between the device and the file
system. When a partition is mounted, a trim is issued causing the file system to
issue trim commands on all free blocks. dm_bow
intercepts these trims and uses
them to set up a free block list. Reads and writes are then sent to the device
unmodified, but before a write is allowed, data needed for a restore is backed
up to a free block.
Checkpoint process
When a partition with the checkpoint=fs/block
flag is mounted, Android calls
on the drive to allow the device to restore any current
checkpoint. init
then calls the needsCheckpoint
function to determine if
the device either is in a bootloader A/B state or has set the update retry
count. If either is true, Android calls createCheckpoint
to either add mount
flags or build a dm_bow
After the partition is mounted, the checkpoint code is called to issue trims.
The boot process then continues as normal. At LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETE
, Android
calls commitCheckpoint
to commit the current checkpoint and the update
continues as normal.
Manage keymaster keys
Keymaster keys are used for device encryption or other purposes. To manage these keys, Android delays key delete calls until the checkpoint is committed.
Monitor health
A health daemon verifies that there's enough disk space to create a
checkpoint. The health daemon is located in
in Checkpoint.cpp
The health daemon has the following behaviors that can be configured:
: Controls how often the device checks disk
: Controls the minimum value the health daemon looks
: Controls whether the health daemon reboots the device or commits the checkpoint and continues when the disk is full.
Checkpoint APIs
Checkpoint APIs are used by the UDC feature. For other APIs used by UDC, see
void startCheckpoint(int retry)
Creates a checkpoint.
The framework calls this method when it's ready to start an update. The
checkpoint is created before checkpointed file systems such as userdata are
mounted R/W after reboot. If the retry count is positive, the API handles
tracking retries, and the updater calls needsRollback
to check if a rollback
of the update is required. If the retry count is -1
, the API defers to the A/B
bootloader's judgement.
This method isn't called when doing a normal A/B update.
void commitChanges()
Commits the changes.
The framework calls this method after reboot when the changes are ready to be
committed. This is called before data (such as pictures, video, SMS, server
receipt of receival) is written to userdata and before BootComplete
If no active checkpointed update exists, this method has no effect.
Forces reboot and reverts to the checkpoint. Abandons all userdata modifications since the first reboot.
The framework calls this method after reboot but before commitChanges
is decreased when this method is called. Log entries are
bool needsRollback()
Determines whether a rollback is required.
On noncheckpoint devices, returns false
. On checkpoint devices, returns true
during a noncheckpoint boot.
Implement UDC
Reference implementation
For an example of how UDC can be implemented, see dm-bow.c. For additional documentation on the feature, see dm-bow.txt.
In on fs
in your init.hardware.rc
file, make sure you have:
mount_all /vendor/etc/fstab.${ro.boot.hardware.platform} --early
In on late-fs
in your init.hardware.rc
file, make sure you have:
mount_all /vendor/etc/fstab.${ro.boot.hardware.platform} --late
In your fstab.hardware
file, make sure /data
is tagged as latemount
/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/userdata /data f2fs noatime,nosuid,nodev,discard,reserve_root=32768,resgid=1065,fsync_mode=nobarrier latemount,wait,check,fileencryption=ice,keydirectory=/metadata/vold/metadata_encryption,quota,formattable,sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/soc/1d84000.ufshc,reservedsize=128M,checkpoint=fs
Add metadata partition
UDC requires a metadata partition to store the nonbootloader retry count and
keys. Set up a metadata partition and early mount it at /metadata
In your fstab.hardware
file, make sure /metadata
is tagged as earlymount
or first_stage_mount
/dev/block/by-name/metadata /metadata ext4 noatime,nosuid,nodev,discard,sync wait,formattable,first_stage_mount
Initialize the partition to all zeroes.
Add the following lines to
Update systems
F2FS systems
For systems that use F2FS to format data, make sure that your version of F2FS supports checkpoints. For more information, see Checkpoint functionality in different file systems.
Add the checkpoint=fs
flag to the <fs_mgr_flags>
section of fstab for the
device mounted at /data
Non-F2FS systems
For non-F2FS systems, dm-bow
must be enabled in the kernel config.
Add the checkpoint=block
flag to the <fs_mgr_flags>
section of fstab for the
device mounted at /data
Check logs
Log entries are generated when Checkpoint APIs are called.
To test your UDC implementation, run the VtsKernelCheckpointTest
set of VTS