Code style guide

The HIDL code style resembles C++ code in the Android framework, with 4-space indents and mixed-case filenames. Package declarations, imports, and docstrings are similar to those in Java, with slight modifications.

The following examples for IFoo.hal and types.hal illustrate HIDL code styles and provide quick links to details on each style (IFooClientCallback.hal, IBar.hal, and IBaz.hal have been omitted).

 * (License Notice)



import IBaz;
import IFooClientCallback;

 * IFoo is an interface that…
interface IFoo {

     * This is a multiline docstring.
     * @return result 0 if successful, nonzero otherwise.
     foo() generates (FooStatus result);

     * Restart controller by power cycle.
     * @param bar callback interface that…
     * @return result 0 if successful, nonzero otherwise.
    powerCycle(IBar bar) generates (FooStatus result);

    /** Single line docstring. */

     * The bar function.
     * @param clientCallback callback after function is called
     * @param baz related baz object
     * @param data input data blob
    bar(IFooClientCallback clientCallback,
        IBaz baz,
        FooData data);

 * (License Notice)


/** Replied status. */
enum Status : int32_t {
    /* invalid arguments */
    /* note, no transport related errors */
    ERR_UNKNOWN = -1,

struct ArgData {
    int32_t[20]  someArray;
    vec<uint8_t> data;

Naming conventions

Function names, variable names, and filenames should be descriptive; avoid over-abbreviation. Treat acronyms as words (for example, use INfc instead of INFC).

Directory structure and file naming

The directory structure should appear as follows:

    • MODULE
      • SUBMODULE (optional, could be more than one level)
        • VERSION
          • IINTERFACE_1.hal
          • IINTERFACE_2.hal
          • IINTERFACE_N.hal
          • types.hal (optional)


    • hardware/interfaces for core HIDL packages.
    • vendor/VENDOR/interfaces for vendor packages, where VENDOR refers to an SoC vendor or an OEM/ODM.
  • MODULE should be one lowercase word that describes the subsystem (for example, nfc). If more than one word is needed, use nested SUBMODULE. There can be more than one level of nesting.
  • VERSION should be the exact same version (major.minor) as described in Versions.
  • IINTERFACE_X should be the interface name with UpperCamelCase/PascalCase (for example, INfc) as described in Interface names.


  • hardware/interfaces
    • nfc
      • 1.0
        • INfc.hal
        • INfcClientCallback.hal
        • types.hal

Note: All files must have non-executable permissions (in Git).

Package names

Package names must use the following fully-qualified name (FQN) format (referred to as PACKAGE-NAME):



  • PACKAGE is the package that maps to the ROOT-DIRECTORY. In particular, PACKAGE is:
    • android.hardware for core HIDL packages (mapping to hardware/interfaces).
    • vendor.VENDOR.hardware for vendor packages, where VENDOR refers to an SoC vendor or an OEM/ODM (mapping to vendor/VENDOR/interfaces).
  • MODULE[.SUBMODULE[.SUBMODULE[…]]]@VERSION are the exact same folder names in the structure described in Directory structure.
  • Package names should be lowercase. If they are more than one word long, the words should either be used as submodules or written in snake_case.
  • No spaces are allowed.

The FQN is always used in package declarations.


Versions should have the following format:


Both the MAJOR and the MINOR version should be a single integer. HIDL uses semantic versioning rules.


An import has one of the following three formats:

  • Whole-package imports: import PACKAGE-NAME;
  • Partial imports: import PACKAGE-NAME::UDT; (or, if the imported type is in the same package,import UDT;
  • Types-only imports: import PACKAGE-NAME::types;

The PACKAGE-NAME follows the format in Package names. The current package's types.hal (if it exists) is automatically imported (do not import it explicitly).

Fully qualified names (FQNs)

Use fully qualified names for a user-defined type import only when necessary. Omit PACKAGE-NAME if the import type is in the same package. An FQN must not contain spaces. Example of a fully qualified name:


In another file under android.hardware.nfc@1.0, refer to the above interface as INfcClientCallback. Otherwise, use only the fully qualified name.

Grouping and ordering imports

Use an empty line after package declaration (before the imports). Each import should occupy a single line and should not be indented. Group imports in the following order:

  1. Other android.hardware packages (use fully qualified names).
  2. Other vendor.VENDOR packages (use fully qualified names).
    • Each vendor should be a group.
    • Order vendors alphabetically.
  3. Imports from other interfaces in the same package (use simple names).

Use an empty line between groups. Inside each group, sort imports alphabetically. Example:

import android.hardware.nfc@1.0::INfc;
import android.hardware.nfc@1.0::INfcClientCallback;

/* Importing the whole module. */


import IBar;
import IFoo;

Interface names

Interface names must start with an I, followed by an UpperCamelCase/PascalCase name. An interface with name IFoo must be defined in the file IFoo.hal. This file can contain definitions only for the IFoo interface (the interface INAME should be in INAME.hal ).


For function names, arguments, and return variable names, use lowerCamelCase. Example:

open(INfcClientCallback clientCallback) generates (int32_t retVal);
oneway pingAlive(IFooCallback cb);

Struct and union field names

For struct or union field names, use lowerCamelCase. Example:

struct FooReply {
    vec<uint8_t> replyData;

Type names

Type names refer to struct or union definitions, enum type definitions, and typedefs. For these name, use UpperCamelCase/PascalCase. Examples:

enum NfcStatus : int32_t {
struct NfcData {

Enum values

Enum values should be UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES. When passing enum values as function arguments and returning them as function returns, use the actual enum type (not the underlying integer type). Example:

enum NfcStatus : int32_t {
    HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK               = 0,
    HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED           = 1,
    HAL_NFC_STATUS_REFUSED          = 4

Note: The underlying type of an enum type is explicitly declared after the colon. As it isn't compiler dependent, using the actual enum type is clearer.

For fully qualified names for enum values, a colon is used between the enum type name and the enum value name:


There must not be spaces inside a fully qualified name. Use a fully qualified name only when necessary and omit unnecessary parts. Example:


For a single line comment, //, /* */, and /** */ are fine.

// This is a single line comment
/* This is also single line comment */
/** This is documentation comment */
  • Use /* */ for comments. While HIDL supports // for comments, they are discouraged because they don't appear in generated output.
  • Use /** */ for generated documentation. These can be applied only to type, method, field, and enum value declarations. Example:
    /** Replied status */
    enum TeleportStatus {
        /** Object entirely teleported. */
        OK              = 0,
        /** Methods return this if teleportation is not completed. */
        ERROR_TELEPORT  = 1,
         * Teleportation could not be completed due to an object
         * obstructing the path.
        ERROR_OBJECT    = 2,
  • Start multi-line comments with /** on a separate line. Use * at the start of each line. End the comment with */ on a separate line, aligning the asterisks. Example:
     * My multi-line
     * comment
  • Licensing notice and changelogs should start a new line with /* (a single asterisk), use * at the beginning of each line, and place */ on the last line all on its own (asterisks should align). Example:
     * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
     * ...
     * Changelog:
     * ...

File comments

Start each file with the appropriate licensing notice. For core HALs, this should be the AOSP Apache license in development/docs/copyright-templates/c.txt. Remember to update the year and use /* */ style multi-line comments as explained above.

You can optionally place an empty line after the license notice, followed by a changelog/versioning information. Use /* */ style multi-line comments as explained above, place the empty line after the changelog, then follow with the package declaration.

TODO comments

TODOs should include the string TODO in all caps followed by a colon. Example:

// TODO: remove this code before foo is checked in.

TODO comments are allowed only during development; they must not exist in published interfaces.

Interface and function comments (docstrings)

Use /** */ for multi-line and single line docstrings. Don't use // for docstrings.

Docstrings for interfaces should describe general mechanisms of the interface, design rationale, purpose, etc. Docstrings for functions should be specific to the function (package-level documentation goes in a README file in the package directory).

 * IFooController is the controller for foos.
interface IFooController {
     * Opens the controller.
     * @return status HAL_FOO_OK if successful.
    open() generates (FooStatus status);

    /** Close the controller. */

You must add @params and @returns for each parameter/return value:

  • @param must be added for each parameter. It should be followed by the name of the parameter then the docstring.
  • @return must be added for each return value. It should be followed by the name of the return value then the docstring.


 * Explain what foo does.
 * @param arg1 explain what arg1 is
 * @param arg2 explain what arg2 is
 * @return ret1 explain what ret1 is
 * @return ret2 explain what ret2 is
foo(T arg1, T arg2) generates (S ret1, S ret2);

Formatting rules

General formatting rules include:

  • Line length. Each line of text should be at most 100 columns long.
  • Whitespaces. No trailing whitespace on lines; empty lines must not contain whitespaces.
  • Spaces vs. tabs. Use only spaces.
  • Indent size. Use 4 spaces for blocks and 8 spaces for line wraps
  • Bracing. Except for annotation values, an open brace goes on the same line as preceding code but a close brace and the following semicolon occupies the entire line. Example:
    interface INfc {

Package declaration

Package declaration should be at the top of the file after the license notice, should occupy the entire line, and shouldn't be indented. Packages are declared using the following format (for name formatting, see Package names):



package android.hardware.nfc@1.0;

Function declarations

Function name, parameters, generates, and return values should be on the same line if they fit. Example:

interface IFoo {
    /** ... */
    easyMethod(int32_t data) generates (int32_t result);

If they don't fit on the same line, attempt to put parameters and return values in the same indent level and distinguish generate to help the reader quickly see the parameters and return values. Example:

interface IFoo {
    suchALongMethodThatCannotFitInOneLine(int32_t theFirstVeryLongParameter,
                                          int32_t anotherVeryLongParameter);
    anEvenLongerMethodThatCannotFitInOneLine(int32_t theFirstLongParameter,
                                             int32_t anotherVeryLongParameter)
                                  generates (int32_t theFirstReturnValue,
                                             int32_t anotherReturnValue);
            int32_t theFirstVeryLongParameter, // 8 spaces
            int32_t anotherVeryLongParameter
        ) generates (
            int32_t theFirstReturnValue,
            int32_t anotherReturnValue
    /* method name is even shorter than 'generates' */
    foobar(AReallyReallyLongType aReallyReallyLongParameter,
           AReallyReallyLongType anotherReallyReallyLongParameter)
        generates (ASuperLongType aSuperLongReturnValue, // 4 spaces
                   ASuperLongType anotherSuperLongReturnValue);

Additional details:

  • An open parenthesis is always on the same line as the function name.
  • No spaces between the function name and the open parenthesis.
  • No spaces between the parentheses and parameters except when there are line feeds between them.
  • If generates is on the same line as the previous closing parenthesis, use a preceding space. If generates is on the same line as the next open parenthesis, follow with a space.
  • Align all parameters and return values (if possible).
  • Default indentation is 4 spaces.
  • Wrapped parameters are aligned to the first parameters on the previous line, otherwise they have an 8-space indent.


Use the following format for annotations:

@annotate(keyword = value, keyword = {value, value, value})

Sort annotations in alphabetical order, and use spaces around equal signs. Example:

@callflow(key = value)

Ensure an annotation occupies the entire line. Examples:

/* Good */

/* Bad */
@entry @exit

If annotations cannot fit on the same line, indent with 8 spaces. Example:

        keyword = value,
        keyword = {
        keyword = value)

If the entire value array cannot fit in the same line, put line breaks after open braces { and after each comma inside the array. Place closing parenthesis immediately after the last value. Don't put the braces if there is only one value.

If the entire value array can fit in the same line, don't use spaces after open braces and before closing braces and use one space after each comma. Examples:

/* Good */
@callflow(key = {"val", "val"})

/* Bad */
@callflow(key = { "val","val" })

There must NOT be empty lines between annotations and the function declaration. Examples:

/* Good */

/* Bad */


Enum declarations

Use the following rules for enum declarations:

  • If enum declarations are shared with another package, put the declarations in types.hal rather than embedding inside an interface.
  • Use a space before and after the colon, and space after the underlying type before the open brace.
  • The last enum value might not have an extra comma.

Struct declarations

Use the following rules for struct declarations:

  • If struct declarations are shared with another package, put the declarations in types.hal rather than embedding inside an interface.
  • Use a space after the struct type name before the open brace.
  • Align field names (optional). Example:
    struct MyStruct {
        vec<uint8_t>   data;
        int32_t        someInt;

Array declarations

Don't put spaces between the following:

  • Element type and open square bracket.
  • Open square bracket and array size.
  • Array size and close square bracket.
  • Close square bracket and the next open square bracket, if more than one dimension exists.


/* Good */
int32_t[5] array;

/* Good */
int32_t[5][6] multiDimArray;

/* Bad */
int32_t [ 5 ] [ 6 ] array;


Don't put spaces between the following:

  • vec and open angle bracket.
  • Open angle bracket and element type (Exception: element type is also a vec).
  • Element type and close angle bracket (Exception: element type is also a vec).


/* Good */
vec<int32_t> array;

/* Good */
vec<vec<int32_t>> array;

/* Good */
vec< vec<int32_t> > array;

/* Bad */
vec < int32_t > array;

/* Bad */
vec < vec < int32_t > > array;