This page shows how to build Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, and Pixel 8a with 16 KB support.
Sync and build AOSP
To sync and build AOSP:
Check out the AOSP repository:
$ mkdir ~/aosp_main && cd ~/aosp_main $ repo init -u -b main $ repo sync -c -j$(nproc)
Source the
script to set up your build environment:$ source build/
Choose one of the three targets for Pixel 8 devices:
for Pixel 8 Proaosp_shiba_pgagnostic-trunk_staging-userdebug
for Pixel 8aosp_akita_16k-trunk_staging-userdebug
for Pixel 8a
$ lunch
target Build the code:
$ m -j$(nproc)
These images are generated after the build is finished:
$ ls out/target/product/<husky|shiba|akita>/*.img out/target/product/husky/boot.img out/target/product/husky/vbmeta.img out/target/product/husky/dtb.img out/target/product/husky/vbmeta_system.img out/target/product/husky/dtbo.img out/target/product/husky/vendor-bootconfig.img out/target/product/husky/init_boot.img out/target/product/husky/vendor_boot-debug.img out/target/product/husky/product.img out/target/product/husky/vendor_boot.img out/target/product/husky/pvmfw.img out/target/product/husky/vendor_boot-test-harness.img out/target/product/husky/ramdisk.img out/target/product/husky/vendor.img out/target/product/husky/super_empty.img out/target/product/husky/vendor_kernel_boot.img out/target/product/husky/system_dlkm.img out/target/product/husky/vendor_kernel_ramdisk.img out/target/product/husky/system_ext.img out/target/product/husky/vendor_ramdisk-debug.img out/target/product/husky/system.img out/target/product/husky/vendor_ramdisk.img out/target/product/husky/system_other.img out/target/product/husky/vendor_ramdisk-test-harness.img out/target/product/husky/userdata.img
Sync and build kernel
Select one of these 6.1 kernels:
for Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro devicesandroid-gs-akita-6.1-android15-qpr2-beta
for Pixel 8a device
Sync the kernel:
# Sync the kernel. $ mkdir ~/android-gs-shusky-6.1 $ cd ~/android-gs-shusky-6.1 $ repo init -u -b
kernel $ repo sync -c -j6Build the kernel:
To build the kernel for Pixel 8 or Pixel 8 Pro, use:
$ ./tools/bazel run \ --config=shusky \ //private/devices/google/shusky:zuma_shusky_dist \ --config=16k [dist] INFO: Copying to ~/android14-gs-pixel-6.1/out/shusky/dist
To build the kernel for Pixel 8a, use:
$ ./tools/bazel run \ --config=akita \ //private/devices/google/akita:zuma_akita_dist \ --confige=16k [dist] INFO: Copying to ~/android14-gs-pixel-6.1/out/akita/dist
Download vendor images
The AOSP repository doesn't contain the vendor images, which are required to
boot the device. You can download the images from
Select a build highlighted in green that corresponds to your device:
For Pixel 8 Pro, click
.For Pixel 8, click
.For Pixel 8a, click
The Artifacts tab appears at the bottom of the page.
Click Artifacts. The artifacts for your device are listed.
To download the artifact, click the file ending in
.From within the directory where the file was downloaded, run the following command to extract the content:
$ cd ~/Downloads $ chmod +x aosp_<selected target>-flashable-<build id> ./aosp_<selected target>-flashable-<build id> # After reading the license, type Type "I ACCEPT" if you agree to the terms of the license: I ACCEPT # The extracted file will be in the current directory $ ls aosp_<selected_target> # unzip that file in a directory named aosp_vendor $ unzip aosp_<selected_target> -d aosp_vendor # The content of the directory will look like: $ ls aosp_vendor android-info.txt init_boot.img super_empty.img system_other.img vbmeta_vendor.img vendor_kernel_boot.img boot.img product.img system_dlkm.img userdata.img vendor_boot.img bootloader.img pvmfw.img system_ext.img vbmeta.img vendor_dlkm.img dtbo.img radio.img system.img vbmeta_system.img vendor.img
Copy the images to a temp directory
Copy the AOSP, kernel, and vendor images to a directory in this order:
$ mkdir ~/images && cd ~/images
# Copy AOSP generated images
$ cp ~/aosp_main/out/target/product/<akita|husky|shiba>/*.img ./images
# Copy kernel generated images
$ cp ~/android-gs-shusky-6.1/out/<akita|shusky>/dist ./images
# Copy the vendor images
$ cp ~/Downloads/aosp_vendor/vendor.img ./images
$ cp ~/Downloads/aosp_vendor/vbmeta_vendor.img ./images
Flash images
To flash the images, follow these steps:
Flash the dynamic partition images:
$ IMGS_DIR=~/images $ adb reboot fastboot $ fastboot flash product $IMGS_DIR/product.img $ fastboot flash system $IMGS_DIR/system.img $ fastboot flash system_ext $IMGS_DIR/system_ext.img $ fastboot flash system_dlkm $IMGS_DIR/system_dlkm.img $ fastboot flash vendor $IMGS_DIR/vendor.img $ fastboot flash vendor_dlkm $IMGS_DIR/vendor_dlkm.img
Flash the kernel images:
$ fastboot reboot bootloader # Wipe out /data partition $ fastboot -w # Disable pkvm $ fastboot oem pkvm disable $ fastboot flash boot $IMGS_DIR/boot.img $ fastboot flash init_boot $IMGS_DIR/init_boot.img $ fastboot flash dtbo $IMGS_DIR/dtbo.img $ fastboot flash vendor_kernel_boot $IMGS_DIR/vendor_kernel_boot.img $ fastboot flash pvmfw $IMGS_DIR/pvmfw.img $ fastboot flash vendor_boot $IMGS_DIR/vendor_boot.img $ fastboot flash --disable-verity --disable-verification vbmeta $IMGS_DIR/vbmeta.img $ fastboot flash --disable-verity --disable-verification vbmeta_system $IMGS_DIR/vbmeta_system.img $ fastboot flash --disable-verity --disable-verification vbmeta_vendor $IMGS_DIR/vbmeta_vendor.img
Press the power button to boot the device.
Check the page size with:
$ adb shell getconf PAGE_SIZE 16384