This page details using LLDB for OS development. For app development, see Debug your app instead, which explains how to use the Android Studio GUI (based on LLDB).
GDB is no longer supported or provided. If you're switching from GDB to LLDB, you should probably start by reading the LLDB Tutorial. If you're an expert GDB user, the GDB to LLDB command map is very helpful while transitioning.
To use a debugger:
- Set up the build environment with the usual
command. - Run the same
command you used when building. Note that the lunch item should exactly match the device you are debugging. If the lunch item doesn't match with the attached device, you'll get an error of the form:You used the wrong lunch: TARGET_PRODUCT (aosp_arm64) does not match attached device (xyzabc)
- Connect your device to machine.
For more help with setting up your environment, see Set up environment.
Debug a binary
To debug a binary that you built on your machine, first you'll have to copy the binary to the device and then launch the debugger. For example:
adb push test.exe /data/local/tmp/test.exe --port 5038 -r /data/local/tmp/test.exe
Debug running apps or processes
To connect to a running app or native daemon, use
with a PID. For example, to debug the process with PID
1234, run this on the host: -p 1234
The script sets up port forwarding, starts the appropriate remote debugging stub on the device, starts the debugger on the host, configures it to find symbols, and connects it to the remote debugging stub.
Debug native process startup
To debug a process as it starts, use
with the -r
option. For example, to debug ls /bin
, run this on the host: -r /system/bin/ls /bin
Then, enter continue
at the debugger's prompt.
Debug app startup
Sometimes you want to debug an app as it starts, such as when there's a crash
and you want to step through code to see what happened before the crash.
Attaching works in some cases, but in other cases is
impossible because the app crashes before you can attach. The
approach (used for strace
doesn't always work because the app might not have
permissions to open a port, and lldbserver
inherits that
To debug app startup, use the developer options in Settings to instruct the app to wait for a Java debugger to attach:
- Go to Settings > Developer options > Select debug app and choose your app from the list, then click Wait for debugger.
- Start the app, either from the launcher or by using the command line to run:
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n
APP_NAME /.APP_ACTIVITY - Wait for the app to load and a dialog to appear telling you the app is waiting for a debugger.
- Attach
normally, set breakpoints, then continue the process.
To let the app run, attach a Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) debugger such as Java Debugger (jdb):
adb forward tcp:12345 jdwp:
XXX # (Where XXX is the PID of the debugged process.)jdb -attach localhost:12345
Debug apps or processes that crash
If you want debuggerd
to suspend crashed processes so that you can
attach a debugger, set the appropriate property:
- After Android 11
adb shell setprop debug.debuggerd.wait_for_debugger true
- Android 11 and lower
adb shell setprop debug.debuggerd.wait_for_gdb true
- Android 6.0 Marshmallow and lower
adb shell setprop debug.db.uid 999999
At the end of the usual crash output, debuggerd
provides copy and paste
instructions in logcat showing how to connect the debugger to the crashed process.
Debug with VS Code
LLDB supports debugging platform code on Visual Studio Code. You can use the VS Code debugger frontend instead of the LLDB CLI interface to control and debug native code running on devices.
Before using VS Code for debugging, install the CodeLLDB extension.
To debug code using VS Code:
- Ensure that all build artifacts (such as symbols) required to run
are present. - In VS Code, press Ctrl+Shift+P to run a command, search for Debug:
Add Configuration..., then select LLDB.
This opens a
file and adds a new JSON object to a list. - Replace the newly added debugger configuration with two comment lines -
// #lldbclient-generated-begin
and// #lldbclient-generated-end
, so that your configuration list looks like this:"configurations": [ // #lldbclient-generated-begin // #lldbclient-generated-end ]
uses these comments to detect where to write the config. If there are other items in the list, add the comment lines to the end after the other configurations. - Run the following command in the terminal where you've run
andlunch --setup-forwarding vscode-lldb \ --vscode-launch-file
LAUNCH_JSON_PATH \ANY_OTHER_FLAGS -p pid | -n proc-name | -r ...
writes the generated config intolaunch.json
and continues running. This is expected; don't kill
program. If you omit the--vscode-launch-file
the script will print the JSON snippet that you will need to copy and paste intolaunch.json
flag must be the last flag if it is present due to how flags are parsed by the tool. - Open the Run and Debug side bar - the new configuration should appear in the
debugger list. Press Start Debugging (F5). The debugger should connect after
10 to 30 seconds.
If the new configuration did not appear in the Run and Debug view, reload the window to refresh the debugger list - press Ctrl+Shift+P and type
reload window
. - When you're done debugging, go to the terminal running
and press Enter to end
program. Subsequent runs of the script would generate the config between the#lldbclient-generated
comments and replace the old contents, you do not need to remove them manually.
To add custom properties to the generated launch config, you can use the
flag. For example: --setup-forwarding vscode-lldb \
--vscode-launch-props \
'{"initCommands" : ["script print(\"Hello\")"], "preLaunchTask" : "Build"}' \
before debugging and
appends a new debug initialization step to the steps generated by the script. You can find an
overview of available properties in the
VS Code documentation and in the User Manual of the
CodeLLDB extension.