Android proprietary NCI commands

The NFC Controller Interface (NCI) is used for interacting with an NFC controller (NFCC). This page describes the specifications of Android proprietary NCI commands.

NCI definitions

The Android proprietary NCI commands use the proprietary group ID (GID) 0xF and the Android opcode identifier (OID) code space of 0xC.

Common packet format

The Android NCI packet format follows the NCI specification for control packets using the proprietary Group_ID 0xFand Opcode_ID 0x0C. For each Android proprietary message, the first byte of the packet payload must be set to the Android opcode (0x0C). The Android control packets use Message_Type and PBF for identifying commands, responses, and notifications similarly to standard commands.

The Android packet format is shown in the following table:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Message_Type PBF Group_ID = 0xF (PROPRIETARY)
reserved for future use (RFU) Opcode_ID = 0x0C (ANDROID)

Assigned Android opcode identifiers are listed in the following table. The specification for each packet follows in the next sections.

Get capabilities command

The host uses NCI_ANDROID_GET_CAPS_CMD to query the list of Android proprietary features supported by the NFCC. The NCI_ANDROID_GET_CAPS_CMD command doesn't take any parameters.

The NFCC must respond with the NCI_ANDROID_GET_CAPS_RSP response with a status of STATUS_OK and the list of supported capabilities and features.

If the NFCC doesn't support NCI_ANDROID_GET_CAPS_CMD, the host must assume that the capabilities each take the default specified value. If a specified capability isn't returned by the NFCC in the response, the host must assume that the capability has the default specified value.


Payload fields Size Value/description
N/A 0 octets


Payload fields Size Value/description
Status 1 octet See status codes in table 140 of NCI Specification.
Android_Version 2 octets Identifies the version of the Android requirements that is implemented by the NFCC.
0x0000 Android 15
Number of capabilities 1 octet Number (n) of supported capabilities
Capabilities[0..n] (m + 2) * n octets Supported capabilities
Type 1 octet The identifier of the capability
Len 1 octet Length (m) of the value
Value m octets The value of the capability
Android proprietary capabilities
Capability name ID Size Value/description
Observe mode 0x00 1 octet Support for the observe mode.
0x00 (default) - Doesn't support this feature.
0x01 - Supports the feature with RF deactivation from host (required for Android 15 or higher).
All other values are RFU.
Polling frame notification 0x01 1 octet Support for the polling frame notifications. 0x01 if supported, 0x00 (default) if not supported. All other values are RFU.
Power saving mode 0x02 1 octet Support for the power saving mode. 0x01 if supported, 0x00 (default) if not supported. All other values are RFU.
Auotransact polling loop filter 0x03 1 octet Support for polling loop filters in the firmware to bypass observe mode for specific patterns when observe mode is globally enabled.
0x00 (default) - Doesn't support this feature
0x01 - Supports polling loop filters
All other values are RFU
0x04..0xFF 0 octets Reserved for future use

Power saving command

To transition the NFCC to power saving mode, the host can use the NCI_ANDROID_POWER_SAVING_CMD command. The NFCC must respond with NCI_ANDROID_POWER_SAVING_RSP with a status code indicating success or failure.

While in power saving mode, the host must not send any command to the NFCC and the NFCC must not send any notification or response to the host. The NFCC or embeded Secure Element (eSE) can automatically accept incoming payment requests according to the routing configuration set before enabling the power saving mode.

To return to full power mode, the host can reset or reinitialize the NFCC.


Payload fields Size Value/description
Power saving mode 1 octet 0x00 Disable power saving mode
0x01 Enable power saving mode


Payload fields Size Value/description
Status 1 octet See status codes in table 140 of NCI Specification,

Set observe mode command

To activate or deactivate observe mode, the host can use the NCI_ANDROID_PASSIVE_OBSERVE_MODE_CMD command. The NFCC must respond with NCI_ANDROID_PASSIVE_OBSERVE_MODE_RSP with a status code indicating success or failure.

When the observe mode is disabled, the NFCC must implement the standard listen mode activity as per the Activity Technical Specification.

When the observe mode is active, the NFCC must not respond to any poll requests during the polling loop in listen mode, until explicitly authorized by the host. The NFCC must send the RF_FIELD_INFO_NTF notification (as defined by section 5.3 of the NCI specification) when it detects field activation. If poll mode discovery is active, the NFCC must implement poll mode activity as per the Activity Technical Specification. The NFCC can cache the poll information so as to proceed immediately with device activation as soon as the observe mode is deactivated.

The NFCC should turn off observe mode if the host shuts down for any reason (for example, out of battery or user initiated shutdown) so that SE transactions can proceed.


Payload fields Size Value/description
observe mode 1 octet 0x00 Disable observe mode (default)
0x01 Enable observe mode


Payload fields Size Value/description
Status 1 octet See status codes in table 140 of NCI Specification.

Polling loop notification

The NFCC must send the NCI_ANDROID_POLLING_FRAME_NTF notification to the host after each polling loop frame. When both the RF_FIELD_INFO_NTF and NCI_ANDROID_POLLING_FRAME_NTF notifications are generated, the NFCC must send NCI_ANDROID_POLLING_FRAME_NTF after RF_FIELD_INFO_NTF.

The NCI_ANDROID_POLLING_FRAME_NTF notification is independent of whether observe mode is active or not. When observe mode is active, the NFCC must always send a NCI_ANDROID_POLLING_FRAME_NTF notification before proceeding with the transaction.


Payload fields Size Value/description
Polling Data[0..n] (m +3) * n octets List of polling requests received since the last notification. Each result gives the type (technology) of the received requests and identifiable data from the request depending on the technology.
Type 1 octet See frame types.
Flags 1 octet See flag byte.
Length 1 octet Length (m) of polling data report including timestamp and gain fields.
Timestamp 4 octets Timestamp measured in milliseconds of the reception of the polling requests, big endian.
Gain 1 octet Strength of the polling request.
0xFF indicates that the value is not available.
Data m - 5 octets Returns the identifiable data present in the polling request
Frame types
Polling frame Type Size Value/Description
Remote field 0x00 1 octet 0x00 Field off
0x01 Field on
0x02..0xFF RFU
NFC-A 0x01 n octets Value must include an ISO 14443-3 command (for example, REQ or WUP)
NFC-B 0x02 n octets Value must include an AIF byte and an ISO 14443-3 command (for example, REQ or WUP)
NFC-F 0x03 n octets Value must include an ISO 14443-3 command (for example, REQ or WUP)
NFC-V 0x04 n octets Value must include an ISO 14443-3 command (for example, REQ or WUP)
Unknown 0x07 n octets Raw frame data
Flag byte definition
b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7
1 Long frame

Query observe mode status command

To retrieve the current status of the passive order mode, the host can use the NCI_ANDROID_QUERY_PASSIVE_OBSERVER_STATUS_CMD command. The NFCC must respond with NCI_ANDROID_QUERY_PASSIVE_OBSERVER_STATUS_RSP with a status code indicating success of failure.


Payload fields Size Value/description
N/A 0 octets


Payload fields Size Value/description
Status 1 octet See status codes in table 140 of NCI Specification,
observe mode 1 octet 0x00 Observe mode disabled
0x01 Observe mode enabled