OmniLab ATS offers APIs to schedule test runs, verify progress, and more. You can use them to integrate Test Station into your workflows and services.
API reference
The OmniLab ATS interface is RESTful, uses resource-oriented URLs, and handles JSON-encoded data.
Version R12 introduces a Google APIs Explorer that documents the API endpoints, including their parameters and responses. You can use the Google APIs Explorer to try APIs.
Figure 1. Link to the Google APIs Explorer
Figure 2. Google APIs Explorer with OpenAPI specification highlighted
Generate a client
You can generate OmniLab ATS clients from the OpenAPI specification located in
the Google APIs Explorer (at http://localhost:8000/_ah/api_docs/api.json
Download the OpenAPI Generator tool.
Run the following command to generate a client in the specified programming language.
java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate \ --input-spechttp://localhost:8000/_ah/api_docs/api.json \ --generator-nameLANGUAGE \ --outputOUTPUT_DIRECTORY
See the OpenAPI Generator documentation for more information.