
IAndroidDebugBridge Interface definition for AndroidDebugBridge methods used in this package. 
IConfigurableVirtualDevice An interface to provide information about a possibly preconfigured virtual device info (host ip, host user, ports offset and etc.). 
IDeviceActionReceiver Provides an API to receive device events. 
IDeviceManager Interface for managing the set of available devices for testing. 
IDeviceManager.IFastbootListener A listener for fastboot state changes. 
IDeviceMonitor Interface for monitoring state of devices. 
IDeviceRecovery Interface for recovering a device that has gone offline. 
IDeviceSelection Interface for device selection criteria. 
IDeviceStateMonitor Provides facilities for monitoring the state of a IDevice
IFileEntry Interface definition that provides simpler, mockable contract to FileEntry methods. 
ILogcatReceiver A class that provides the output of a device's logcat as an InputStreamSource
IManagedTestDevice A ITestDevice whose lifecycle is managed. 
IManagedTestDeviceFactory Creator interface for IManagedTestDevice
IMultiDeviceRecovery Interface for recovering multiple offline devices. 
INativeDevice Provides an reliable and slightly higher level API to a ddmlib IDevice
ITestDevice Provides an reliable and slightly higher level API to a ddmlib IDevice


BackgroundDeviceAction Runs a command on a given device repeating as necessary until the action is canceled. 
CollectingByteOutputReceiver A IShellOutputReceiver which collects the whole shell output into a byte[]
CollectingOutputReceiver A IShellOutputReceiver which collects the whole shell output into one String
DeviceDisconnectedException Thrown when a device is no longer reachable via it's transport type, e.g. if the device is no longer visible via USB, or TCP/IP connection 
DeviceFoldableState Representation of device foldable state as returned by "cmd device_state print-states". 
DeviceManager.FastbootDevice Representation of a device in Fastboot mode. 
DeviceMonitorMultiplexer A proxy class to propagate requests to multiple IDeviceMonitors. 
DeviceNotAvailableException Thrown when a device is no longer available for testing. 
DeviceProperties Common constant definitions for device side property names 
DeviceRuntimeException Thrown when a device action did not results in the expected results. 
DeviceSelectionOptions Container for for device selection criteria. 
DeviceStateMonitor Helper class for monitoring the state of a IDevice
DeviceUnresponsiveException A specialization of DeviceNotAvailableException that indicates device is visible to adb, but is unresponsive (i.e., commands timing out, won't boot, etc) 
FastbootHelper A helper class for fastboot operations. 
IDeviceMonitor.DeviceLister A Runnable-like class that should return the known devices and their states. 
IManagedTestDevice.DeviceEventResponse Container for a response to a IManagedTestDevice#handleAllocationEvent(DeviceEvent) call 
ITestDevice.ApexInfo A simple struct class to store information about a single APEX 
ITestDevice.MountPointInfo A simple struct class to store information about a single mountpoint 
LargeOutputReceiver A class designed to help run long running commands collect output. 
LocalAndroidVirtualDevice The class for local virtual devices running on TradeFed host. 
LogcatReceiver Class that collects logcat in background. 
ManagedTestDeviceFactory Factory to create the different kind of devices that can be monitored by Tf 
NativeDevice Default implementation of a ITestDevice Non-full stack android devices. 
NativeDevice.AdbAction A ERROR(DeviceAction/ DeviceAction) for running a OS 'adb ....' command. 
NativeDevice.RebootDeviceAction ERROR(DeviceAction/ DeviceAction) for rebooting a device. 
NativeDeviceStateMonitor Helper class for monitoring the state of a IDevice with no framework support. 
NetworkNotAvailableException Thrown when a device is not able to connect to network for testing. 
NoDeviceException Thrown when there's no device to execute a given command. 
NullDevice A placeholder IDevice used by DeviceManager to allocate when IDeviceSelection#nullDeviceRequested() is true 
PackageInfo Container for an application's package info parsed from device. 
RemoteAndroidDevice Implementation of a ITestDevice for a full stack android device connected via adb connect. 
RemoteAvdIDevice A placeholder IDevice used by DeviceManager to allocate when DeviceSelectionOptions.gceDeviceRequested() is true 
StubDevice Stub placeholder implementation of a IDevice
StubLocalAndroidVirtualDevice A placeholder IDevice used by DeviceManager to allocate when DeviceSelectionOptions.localVirtualDeviceRequested() is true 
TestDevice Implementation of a ITestDevice for a full stack android device 
TestDevice.MicrodroidBuilder A builder used to create a Microdroid TestDevice. 
TestDeviceOptions Container for ITestDevice Option
UserInfo Similar to UserInfo class from platform. 
WaitDeviceRecovery A simple implementation of a IDeviceRecovery that waits for device to be online and respond to simple commands. 
WifiCommandUtil A utility class that can parse wifi command outputs. 
WifiCommandUtil.ScanResult Represents a wifi network containing its related info. 
WifiHelper Helper class for manipulating wifi services on device. 


DeviceAllocationState Represents the allocation state of the device from the IDeviceManager perspective 
DeviceSelectionOptions.DeviceRequestedType The different possible types of placeholder devices supported. 
NativeDevice.RebootMode A mode of a reboot. 
SnapuserdWaitPhase Enum representation of when to join/block for the snapuserd update to finish. 
TestDeviceState A more fully featured representation of device state than DeviceState
UserInfo.UserType Supported variants of a user's type in external APIs.