在之前的增强型视觉系统 (EVS) 1.0 版本中,摄像头设备被视为只读设备,因此不存在任何可让应用更改摄像头控制参数(如缩放或亮度)的方法。
由于这可能会限制 EVS 应用的功能,因此新的 EVS 1.1 引入了新的方法,让应用能够用程序编写多个摄像头控制参数,所有这些参数都在 enum CameraParam
* EVS Camera Parameter
enum CameraParam : uint32_t {
* The brightness of image frames
* The contrast of image frames
* Automatic gain/exposure control
* Gain control
* Automatic Whitebalance
* Manual white balance setting as a color temperature in Kelvin.
* Image sharpness adjustment
* Auto Exposure Control modes; auto, manual, shutter priority, or
* aperture priority.
* Manual exposure time of the camera
* Set the focal point of the camera to the specified position. This
* parameter may not be effective when auto focus is enabled.
* Enables continuous automatic focus adjustments.
* Specify the objective lens focal length as an absolute value.
* Requests to be a master client.
* When multiple clients subscribe to a single camera hardware and one of
* them adjusts a camera parameter such as the contrast, it may disturb
* other clients' operations. Therefore, the client must call this method
* to be a master client. When it becomes a master, it can
* change camera parameters until either it dies or explicitly gives up the
* role.
* @return result EvsResult::OK if a master role is granted.
* EvsResult::OWNERSHIP_LOST if there is already a
* master client.
setMaster() generates (EvsResult result);
* Sets to be a master client forcibly.
* The client, which owns the display, has a high priority and can take over
* a master role from other clients without the display.
* @param display IEvsDisplay handle. If this is valid, the calling client
* is considered as the high priority client and therefore
* it would take over a master role.
* @return result EvsResult::OK if a master role is granted.
* EvsResult::OWNERSHIP_LOST if there is already a
* master client with the display.
forceMaster(IEvsDisplay display) generates (EvsResult result);
* Retires from a master client role.
* @return result EvsResult::OK if this call is successful.
* EvsResult::INVALID_ARG if the caller client is not a
* master client.
unsetMaster() generates (EvsResult result);
* Retrieves a list of parameters this camera supports.
* @return params A list of CameraParam that this camera supports.
getParameterList() generates (vec<CameraParam> params);
* Requests a valid value range of a camera parameter
* @param id The identifier of camera parameter, CameraParam enum.
* @return min The lower bound of the valid parameter value range.
* @return max The upper bound of the valid parameter value range.
* @return step The resolution of values in valid range.
getIntParameterRange(CameraParam id)
generates (int32_t min, int32_t max, int32_t step);
* Requests to set a camera parameter.
* @param id The identifier of camera parameter,
* CameraParam enum.
* value A desired parameter value.
* @return result EvsResult::OK if it succeeds to set a parameter.
* EvsResult::INVALID_ARG if either a requested
* parameter is not supported or a given value is out
* of bounds.
* effectiveValue A programmed parameter value. This may differ
* from what the client gives if, for example, the
* driver does not support a target parameter.
setIntParameter(CameraParam id, int32_t value)
generates (EvsResult result, int32_t effectiveValue);
* Retrieves a value of given camera parameter.
* @param id The identifier of camera parameter, CameraParam enum.
* @return result EvsResult::OK if it succeeds to read a parameter.
* EvsResult::INVALID_ARG if either a requested parameter is
* not supported.
* value A value of requested camera parameter.
getIntParameter(CameraParam id) generates(EvsResult result, int32_t value);
则传递有效的值范围和分辨率。当主客户端更改摄像头参数时,系统会通过发送带有参数 ID 和新值的 PARAMETER_CHANGED
由于之前的 EVS 设计允许多个应用同时订阅一个摄像头硬件,因此一个应用有可能通过更改摄像头参数干扰其他应用的操作。此外,多个客户端可能需要以不同方式调整同一参数,因而导致运行摄像头服务时出现意外行为。
为了避免此类问题,EVS 管理器仅允许主客户端用程序编写摄像头参数。在尝试调整任何摄像头参数之前,客户端必须通过调用 setMaster()
方法成为主客户端。如果调用失败,则表示该摄像头硬件上已有活动的主客户端。在当前主客户端崩溃或通过 unsetMaster()
明确放弃主客户端角色之前,系统不会允许任何其他客户端更改摄像头参数。当主客户端退回其特权时,系统会通过 MASTER_RELEASED
EVS 管理器会以高优先级处理拥有屏幕的客户端,并允许它窃取当前主客户端的角色。由于 EVS 屏幕所有权基于新近度,因此新客户端甚至可以从当前客户端接管屏幕。
高优先级客户端必须调用 IEvsCamera::forceMaster(sp<IEvsDisplay>& display)
才能获得主客户端角色。EVS 管理器会检查给定屏幕句柄的状态,当(且仅当)其状态有效且不为 DisplayState::NOT_OPEN
和 DisplayState::DEAD
时,才会替换主客户端。刚刚失去主客户端角色的客户端将通过 MASTER_RELEASED