AggregatePostProcessor |
A metric aggregator that gives the min, max, mean, variance, standard deviation, total, count and
optionally percentiles for numeric metrics collected during multiple-iteration test runs,
treating them as doubles.
AtraceCollector |
A IMetricCollector that runs atrace during a test and collects the result and log
them to the invocation.
AtraceRunMetricCollector |
Collects the traces from all the test directory under the given directory
from the test device, log the test directory and post process the trace files
under the test directory and aggregate the metrics.
AveragePostProcessor |
Implementation of post processor that calculate the average of the list of metrics.
BaseDeviceMetricCollector |
Base implementation of IMetricCollector that allows to start and stop collection on
onTestRunStart( and ERROR(/#onTestRunEnd(,Map)) .
BasePostProcessor |
The base IPostProcessor that every implementation should extend.
BluetoothConnectionLatencyCollector |
The collector will push a pre-defined statsd duration metric config to devices and collect
Bluetooth connection duration for each profile.
BluetoothConnectionStateCollector |
This collector will collect BluetoothConnectionStateChanged metrics and record connection state
number for each profile.
BluetoothConnectionSuccessRatePostProcessor |
Implementation of postprocessor which calculates success rate for a bluetooth profile
Use "metric-key-match" to specify metrics which contain bluetooth connection states in numeric
array Example [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3].
BluetoothHciSnoopLogCollector |
Collector to enable Bluetooth HCI snoop logging on the DUT and to collect the log for each test.
BugreportzOnFailureCollector |
Collect a bugreportz when a test case fails.
BugreportzOnTestCaseFailureCollector |
Collect a bugreportz when a test case in a run fails.
ClangCodeCoverageCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull Clang
coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts.
CodeCoverageCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull Java and
native coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts.
CollectingTestListener |
A ITestInvocationListener that will collect all test results.
ConsoleResultReporter |
Result reporter to print the test results to the console.
CountTestCasesCollector |
Count and report the number of test cases for a given IRemoteTest .
DebugHostLogOnFailureCollector |
Collector that will gather and log the host-side logs when a test case failure occurs.
DeviceTraceCollector |
Collector that will start perfetto trace when a test run starts and log trace file at the end.
EventsLoggerListener |
Listener that logs all the events it receives into a file
FileProtoResultReporter |
Proto reporter that dumps the TestRecord into a file.
FilePullerDeviceMetricCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that listen for metrics key coming from the device and pull
them as a file from the device.
FilePullerLogCollector |
Logger of the file reported by the device-side.
FormattedGeneratorReporter |
Reporter that allows to generate reports in a particular format.
GcovCodeCoverageCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull gcov
coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts.
GcovKernelCodeCoverageCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull gcov kernel
coverage measurements out of debugfs and off of the device and then finally logs them as test
GranularRetriableTestWrapper.StartEndCollector |
Class helper to catch missing run start and end.
HostStatsdMetricCollector |
A IMetricCollector that collects statsd metrics from host side using statsd utility
IMetricCollector |
This interface will be added as a decorator when reporting tests results in order to collect
matching metrics.
IPostProcessor |
Post processors is a Trade Federation object meant to allow the processing of metrics and logs
AFTER the tests and BEFORE result reporting.
InvocationProtoResultReporter |
Reporters to store invocation level caching information and its list of modules
JavaCodeCoverageCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull Java
coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts.
JsonHttpTestResultReporter |
A result reporter that encode test metrics results and branch, device info into JSON and POST
into an HTTP service endpoint
LUCIResultReporter |
A result reporter that saves test results needed by ResultDB and LUCI
into JSON format (go/result-sink) and logs the file location in the console.
LegacySubprocessResultsReporter |
A frozen implementation of the subprocess results reporter which should remain compatible with
earlier versions of TF/CTS (e.g. 8+), despite changes in its superclass.
LogSaverResultForwarder |
A ResultForwarder for saving logs with the global file saver.
LogcatOnFailureCollector |
Collector that will capture and log a logcat when a test case fails.
LogcatTimingMetricCollector |
A metric collector that collects timing information (e.g. user switch time) from logcat during
one or multiple repeated tests by using given regex patterns to parse start and end signals of an
event from logcat lines.
MetricFilePostProcessor |
Used for uploading the metrics log file collected during the test and run level.
MetricsXMLResultReporter |
MetricsXMLResultReporter writes test metrics and run metrics to an XML file in a folder specified
by metrics-folder parameter at the invocationEnded phase of the test.
ModuleListener |
Listener attached to each IRemoteTest of each module in order to collect the list of
ModuleLogcatCollector |
Version of logcat collector but for module.
ModuleProtoResultReporter |
A result reporter meant to report only the module level results.
PerfettoGenericPostProcessor |
A post processor that processes text/binary metric perfetto proto file into key-value pairs by
recursively expanding the proto messages and fields with string values until the field with
numeric value is encountered.
PerfettoPullerMetricCollector |
Base implementation of FilePullerDeviceMetricCollector that allows
pulling the perfetto files from the device and collect the metrics from it.
ProtoResultReporter |
Result reporter build a TestRecord protobuf with all the results inside.
RebootReasonCollector |
Collector that collects device reboot during the test run and report them by reason and counts.
ReportPassedTests |
Report in a file possible filters to exclude passed test.
ResultAggregator |
Special forwarder that aggregates the results when needed, based on the retry strategy that was
ResultAndLogForwarder |
Forwarder for results and logs events.
ResultDBReporter |
Result reporter that uploads test results to ResultDB.
RetryLogSaverResultForwarder |
Forwarder that also handles passing the current attempt we are at.
RuntimeRestartCollector |
Collector that collects timestamps of runtime restarts (system server crashes) during the test
run, if any.
ScreenshotOnFailureCollector |
Collector that will capture and log a screenshot when a test case fails.
ShardListener |
A ITestInvocationListener that collects results from a invocation shard (aka an
invocation split to run on multiple resources in parallel), and forwards them to another
ShardMainResultForwarder |
A ResultForwarder that combines the results of a sharded test invocations.
ShowmapPullerMetricCollector |
Base implementation of FilePullerDeviceMetricCollector that allows pulling the showmap
files from the device and collect the metrics from it.
StatsdBeforeAfterGaugeMetricPostProcessor |
A post processor that processes gauge metrics collected in a "before/after" approach, i.e.
StatsdEventMetricPostProcessor |
A post processor that processes event metrics in statsd reports into key-value pairs, using the
formatters specified on the processor.
StatsdGenericPostProcessor |
A post processor that processes binary proto statsd reports into key-value pairs by expanding the
report as a tree structure.
StreamProtoResultReporter |
An implementation of ProtoResultReporter
SubprocessResultsReporter |
Implements ITestInvocationListener to be specified as a result_reporter and forward from
the subprocess the results of tests, test runs, test invocations.
SuiteResultReporter |
Collect test results for an entire suite invocation and output the final results.
TextResultReporter |
A test result reporter that forwards results to the JUnit text result printer.
TraceCmdCollector |
A IMetricCollector that collects traces during the test using trace-cmd, and logs them to
the invocation.
XmlFormattedGeneratorReporter |
Implementation of the FormattedGeneratorReporter which format the suite results in an xml
XmlResultReporter |
Writes JUnit results to an XML files in a format consistent with
Ant's XMLJUnitResultFormatter.