extends BaseTargetPreparer
Known indirect subclasses
DeviceImageZipFlashingTargetPreparer |
A target preparer that flashes the device with device images provided via a specific format.
SideloadOtaTargetPreparer |
A target preparer that performs sideload of a specified OTA package, applies the package, waits
for device to boot up, and injects the device build properties to use as build info
This target preparer assumes that the device will be in regular adb mode when started, and
will ensure that the device exits in the same mode but with the newer build applied.
A ITargetPreparer
that replaces build info fields with attributes read from device
This is useful for testing devices with builds generated from an external source (e.g.
external partner devices)
Public constructors
public DeviceBuildInfoBootStrapper ()
Public methods
public void setUp (TestInformation testInfo)
Parameters |
testInfo |
TestInformation |